Dental Implants Benefits

  1. This surgery is quick. Single Implant about 10-15 minutes. This makes the process a lot less stressful for a patient.
  2. This surgery is predictablebecause the entire surgery is planned three dimensionally by  3D Imaging. The 3-D CT scan and guided surgery provide precision placement of the implant in Mesiodistal – Buccolingual angulation and for perfect prosthetically driven technology.
  3. Quick healing time is achieved by performing a“tissue punch”. Using this method to make a small hole in the tissue is far less evasive than other techniques that are commonly used.
  4. This form of surgery isless painful. There is no suture due to no incision, resulting in most favorable post implant healing.
  5. This surgery involvesless bleeding as compared to a normal implant surgery.
  6. Since no incision is made, there are no suturesgiven thereby reducing the inconvenience of sutures and leading to faster healing time.
  7. There is no damageof surrounding nerve or teeth due to the precision of the implant placed in the bone.
  8. This surgery issafe for the patients who suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure or underlying systemic disease. In such cases because of the less invasive nature and greater accuracy of digital implants the healing is faster and predictable.
  9. Right from the stage of treatment planning to the placement over the implant, the process is designed and determined according to the rest of the teeth and the bite thus resulting in maximum aesthetics, in occlusion and excellent lifelong prognosis.
Kroma Dental Clinic

We are your one-stop dental care. Whatever you’re experiencing, we have the experience, technology & compassion to help reach your goals.

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